SUMMARY Spent the day in the beautiful seaside town of Rovinj. Lots of walking, good lunch, really good gelato. Dinner at our villa enjoying one last evening to swim and dine with a million-dollar view. - Karen
DETAIL Today we’re waking and going to bed in the same place. A nice change. We are doing a bit of driving to check out a local town.
After breakfast we pile into our two cars and drive down off the mountain. We’re headed to Rovinj on the coast. It’s not far. Along the way down, as we go around one of the many round-abouts, we see flames. Thankfully it’s nothing serious, just a big commercial rotisserie machine with lots of chickens and maybe a couple of pigs turning on spits next to a wall of flame. We’re not concerned but we do note the location for more investigation on the drive home.
In town we park in a metered lot along the water and hike into town. The water is clear and there are fishermen with their rods propped up, waiting for a nibble. We can’t tell if they have caught anything yet. They don’t seem too concerned. It’s more like they’re just passing the time and watching the tourists.
In town we are quickly in an outdoor market with its plethora of colorful fresh fruit. We’re seeing it on all the trees, so no wonder we’re seeing it here in the city, too. The figs are huge. We buy peppers of various colors to grill later. There’s row upon row of honey jars. We’ve heard there are lots of bee keepers around and the area is know for the quality of its honey.
In a butcher shop we ponder purchasing meat to grill for dinner. We wonder if we can buy it now, leave it in the fridge here, and pick up later, when we’re ready to leave. We inquire about some prime rib, but learn we have to buy the whole thing, which would be way too much for us six. Mike, our Croatian talker, tries to converse with the butcher. No luck. English? No. He does speak German which does us no good. We thank him and move on.
We spend a few half-euro coins on restrooms for the girls. There’s a minder there, keeping everything clean and everyone in toilet paper. There are, of course, cats. Further along we realize it’s time for ‘elevenses’ and find a cute cafe in the open but under an umbrella. Most of us order coffee or coffee with milk, but some are adventurous and get the coffee with hot chocolate. Reports are that it’s delicious.
Our smartphones identify potential places for lunch, but we fear that being a group of six we should make a reservation. We try to use the GPS to get to some likely places, but the narrow streets and tall stone buildings play havoc with the navigation system. We’re somewhere and the restaurant should be right here, but it’s not. We finally find a place and get a reservation. A similar game is played with a bank with an ATM. Eventually full of coffee and cash we split up to explore the town. We’ll reconvene for lunch.
Even though it’s mid-September, we are quite warm in the direct sunlight. Seeking shade where we can, we walk the long length of the waterfront and then double back, walking a wide pedestrian-only boulevard paved with polished stone (as they all are). The multi-story buildings lining our route provide welcome shade. There are numbers on the street, engraved in the stone every so often, corresponding to the number of the building we’re in front of. Very clever!
Lunch is delicious and the cold beer a welcome relief. We all get the same thing, pretty much, which is a bit scary, but it turns out to be delicious. We’re delighted with our choice of both restaurant and dish. The owner is a hoot. We wander around to walk off lunch and to get to a specific gelato place for dessert. It’s supposed to be the best in Rovinj and from the flavors we try, we believe it.
Back at the car we pack in the groceries and head back to the villa to take advantage of the sun and the pool. Along the way we stop at the rotisserie restaurant. We’re told that someone did order a couple of whole roast pigs for some big event, and they are there, spinning on their spits getting dizzy and golden brown. They smelled divine. We can’t order by weight, only portion, so we get four portions, two pork and two lamb. Potatoes are included. The bags with the containers of meat and hash browns weigh an absolute ton. We’ll eat well tonight.
Back at the villa, in swim suits, we test out the pool. We water is cool but comfortable. The view is exquisite. Later Karen and Ron prep veggies for grilling and Mike does the honors. He and Liz also use the grill for making toast, cave-man style. Before long we’re eating a great meal with lots of local wine. We’re outside and the view of the area, in the setting sun, is gorgeous.
After dinner and clean up we read or check news on our electronic devices and digest our dinner. When it’s really dark we head back out and gaze at the stars, laying on the chaise lounges. It was a great day, but tomorrow we have a change of venue with lots of driving, so we’re off to bed early.

Nancy photographing Rigz in various situations for an email to the grandkids

All of us always enjoying the beautiful pool and villa

Rovinj and the fishermen killing time

So much honey (and olive oil, soap, ...)

Fun walking the narrow streets and checking out the shops

On the side of the street up from the water, the alleys used to be for access. Now they're used as storefronts, too

Lots of fun architecture and squares, plazas, etc. Always stone walks, polished by years of walking, driving, ox carts, etc.

Where we had elevenses

Lots of stuff for tourists to buy. Some appropriate. Others, less so. At least this lamp has a switch.

Delicious lunch!

Off to check on the rotisserie pork and lamb and who knows what

Back at the villa, soaking in the pool and soaking in the views

The sun and clouds make for awesome, ever-changing views

Getting ready for dinner al fresco

Toast, cave-man style

Ron and Karen doing dinner prep. Nancy doing quality assurance.

Bye-bye sun. See you tomorrow.

Post-dinner reading
Yes sir Scott. Great post about a wonderful day! The lamp was not one I saw, 😉.