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Switching to Wix?

Scott Farnsworth

The impetus...

On previous travels we've sent emails to family to keep them up to date on our trip. We mostly do these daily travelogue entries for ourselves, but hey, why not also send to family? Then friends asked about our trip and so we add them to the distribution list.

But the entries are really for us and can get a bit long. Also, ideally, we include a good bit of detail. There's often lots going and we want to capture it all, even the minutia. The more you capture the more you can relive later. The writings jog your memory and suddenly you're back reliving your trip. And the pictures, while they take up a lot of space, are really helpful in relating the experience.

So for as big an audience as this has become, email isn't a great solution. They take up a lot of room on everyone's phone. It's hard to jump from post to post. It can be tricky to find the most recent post when you're ready to catch up.

Thankfully mankind (people kind?) have come up with 'blogs'. Depending on who's creating a blog it can be more or less complex and customized. We just want words, pictures, links, entries, index, subscription. Or so we think. We'll find out.

We've tried different blogging platforms. This is the latest, Wix. We'll give it a shot and see how it goes.

Meanwhile, back in Austin, we're preparing for the trip. Should we take our Christmas lights down? Hm...

Wait! That's not our house!

That's better.

Most in our neighborhood take their lights down every year, but some leave them up year round. This house is on a regular walk I do in the hood. It was a full moon night in early January.

Well, OK, these aren't exactly Christmas decorations. They're for Halloween, but they do stay up all year. Keeping Austin weird, as they say.



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