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Two weeks until we leave for Asia! - February 10, 2023

Scott Farnsworth

Updated: Feb 26, 2023

Well, fifteen days, to be precise. Our luggage (carry-on only!) is on the dining room table. We're adding stuff, swapping out stuff, weighing stuff. One carry-on per person for 73 days is going to be a new experience. We've been reading up on how to do this and following the advice of people like Rick Steves. We're flying between a bunch of countries in Asia and have booked our travel with the idea of just having the one smaller suitcase, so I guess we're committed.

An ice storm blew through our fair city recently. We lost a half dozen limbs, sadly. Everyone lost limbs, leaving the city looking like a war zone (apologies to Ukraine). Some roads were unpassable, with downed trees blocking the way. A quarter million homes lost power (not including ours, thank goodness).

All our neighbors in the houses across the street lost power for three (plus) days. The blocks behind them did as well. It was bizarre driving down the street with all house and street lights out. All over the city there were traffic signals were out. The city only recently got the stop lights working again, and power to most houses (though not all) back on.

Those who lost power braved it out for a while. Eventually, if they could, they went to stay with friends or relatives, or maybe went to a hotel. Karen's sister and brother-in-law (and their dog, Bono) stayed with us for a few nights. All this didn't help our trip prep.

Beyond that we're also doing home projects. We had our electrician swap out our 30 amp 220 volt breaker for a 50 amp one, for our new heat pump A/C and heater. That was supposed to be installed in early February, but due to the ice storm that's now been pushed out to May. The IRA (Inflation Reduction Act) should pay for eight thousand of that, or more, but Texas hasn't come up with their rules, so that's another good reason to postpone the work. Of course when they do, and with the warmer weather in May, the A/C companies are going to be slammed! Before they put in the new A/C and heater in the attic I wanted to swap out our existing vent hood for one with the blower motor in the attic. The motor now is in the hood itself which made it loud and not so effective. I did the hood installation myself, but left the ducting up in the attic to professionals. We really like how it came out and how quiet the fan is.

I did get the information for taxes in, whew! This year it's for three returns. Ours, Jackie's (who died last April), and her living trust. Yet more work needed before we leave. It was nice to put that monkey on someone else's back.

Since we're going to be gone so long we're worried about our hair. Normally I get my hair cut every month, so I'll be way overdue. What to do? Get a really short haircut. I got a trial run with that one month early. It really is easier to manage shorter hair. I do not know if I'll stick to it, but I certainly will do it again (a couple of days before we leave) and I will not be so squeamish about having it done again, e.g. for a long Europe trip or if I'm home during a hot Austin summer.

O.K., back to packing!


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